Sunday, February 12, 2012

No place like HOME!

We finally arrived home on Friday night - 30 hours of traveling, 3 planes, 2 layovers later.  The trip all in all went WONDERFUL!  Zebene did awesome on the flights, giggling in the airports and hamming it up as he watched the "airoplanes" out the window in Atlants.  He slept some on each and even though at times got a little restless, he really was a traveling trooper - an answer to prayers.   Even security posts went well.  Like he'd been doing it all along.  Such a change from the Embassy visit just a few days prior.

The hardest part of the whole trip was awaking him and getting him off the plane from the last flight where is had sacked out and was like a coma baby.  Of course, you would know it to be the case since we were anxiously trying to get down those airport stairs and into the arms of our children and amazing friends that chaos would abound then.
But no, the Lord wanted to show us first what we know is true these days - he has to come first - sacrifice.  He was a mess.  Full on tantrum and crying.  So confused and so exhausted, the whole scene broke my heart!  We sat and held and played in the waterfall for about 25 or so minutes - leaving all those waiting below to wonder - or so we thought.  Little did we know, the Captain and flight attendants had sweetly shared with our waiting crew that our precious joy was not so full of joy.  They shared with them that he was having a hard time and to be patient.  And well ... they were!  As we came down the stairs you could have heard a pin drop.  All those waiting kids and friends as quiet as a mouse as not to scare our little guy.  Thank you so so much for understanding and without knowing it - submitting right in line with what was best for our boy - a little distance.

I was so overwhelmed to see so many friends show up to welcome and embrace our newest addition.  Of course, after 30 hours I was in a hazy fog myself - but I remember each of your faces, your embraces, your words of encouragement and smiles.  You will NEVER know or understand what it means and feels like to know we were and are surrounded by such an amazingly supportive community.  Hey - even my pastor and his precious wife arrived.  I'm thinking this may be Scott's first - but definitely NOT last welcome airport home party!!

Home ... there is no place like HOME!

So here are a few of the amazing photos that my friend Jennifer Verme took.  She is an incredible photographer and I knew she was there snapping away.  Amazing that she can make priceless photos even with this tired, greasy ol' lady, her matching beaux and one overwhelmed little boy.
Thank you is never enough Jen, for sharing your talent with us through this blessing!  If you love what you see ... check out her work at "Bend the Light".  Once we are settled, we'll be looking her back up for our first family shoot - including showers. HAHA.

These are in no particular order - that would take time and energy - both of which I have none right now.  Enjoy them anyways.


Anonymous said...

Yay! Welcome Home. It was such an honor to witness and share the "welcoming home" moment and the fulfillment of a God-given dream and purpose for your family.
So happy for you all! I have admired "Bend the Light's" work from a far but how fun to see the beautiful photos they took of your family now, too. See you later this week! Love and Blessings, Gina

Rebecca said...

Ah, Cristie, I can't say thank you enough for sharing your journey with all of us! It is truly a remarkable and powerful thing to have watched and prayed about all this, even from a distance. I am rejoicing with you today with tears in my eyes seeing all of these t-shirts of Zebene's forever family. Chosen. What an incredible word, and even deeper truth so many of us need to "get." I am humbled again that God would choose us. His choice to take us and love us as His own. Wow! We will continue to pray as you all walk through the transition together, in both the joys, struggles, and coming victories.


Me said...

Oh my goodness - teary with JOY for all of you. God is so good. Thank you for being such an amazing example of love and faithfulness! Tiffanie

Cindy Foote said...

Wow!! I can't believe he is HOME!!! Love all the pictures, but makes me wish I could have been there. Maliah looks like she's grown much taller!! And her face is changing, so sweet!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your amazing journey of love with us. Your family is beautiful. You are living my dream.
God bless your sweet family forever.

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