Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Christianity ... is that a verb?

And then she said it "I read your bible, I read the scriptures about the orphan and how your supposed to be caring for them .... so what I can't understand is - why your not!"

This was the phrase that fell off the lips of a woman who admittedly, doesn't claim to be a Christian.  She admits she doesn't "know our ways".  She admits that we don't share the same "spiritual beliefs".   She admits that she completely respects them ... but just doesn't yet share them.  No, we don't hold that common denominator - Jesus - but the woman who sat at my table today does share one thing I hold dear  ... a desire to see fatherless/orphaned/hurting children placed into forever homes.

This woman shared that she had read scriptures from "your bible".  She had also knocked, on behalf of a foster agency, on the doors of "our"churches.  Her desire was to share the need for families to take children into their homes.   She shared that perhaps she just didn't know what she didn't know.  Hinting that perhaps their was a secret code, prayer or saying to get all those people within those walls to listen to the need she sees.  You see, she's read them ... the scriptures.  She sees that their our commandments - to care for them.  But doesn't understand the lack of our response.  She asks ...  is it .... her?

Oh sweet friend ... it's not you!  It is US!

We have failed - Not You!  We have closed our eyes!  We ... are sometimes just not ready to live uncomfortable.  We have chosen what scriptures we value.  We pick which ones we want to fit into our lives.  We are selfish.  We are human!  It's WHY we need HIM ... that Jesus you don't yet know!  

Today I was overwhelmed that the one I want to bring the gospel to ... was asking why we weren't living that gospel out!

One more reason to continue pursuing what is pure religion.  (James 1:27).  The world is watching and asking ... are we who we say we are?  Why would I want to be YOU?

Christian - often used as a "noun" or "Adjective" ... should really be - a verb!

Did you know if we had one family in every church take in a child from the U.S. Foster Care System ... their would be no more children left that needed homes?  ONE child!  One Family!

Christian = Christ in ACTION!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

I've been ALL. MADE. OVER.

Look at me!  I have a new look for my blog!  Thank you to an awesome gal named Rita, I have had a fresh and fun make-over!   Of course, none of that would have been complete without the most beautiful photography of my precious friend, Jen Verme!  She took all those family pictures that I adore.  Thank you, Jen!

We have been home 8 months now with our sweet boy, Zebene.  While life is still very much about the transition of his orphaned heart into a heart made whole, and about parenting an older child placed into a family - our life is also full of many other wonder and beautiful things I wanted to share.   So - it was time to make us over and start a new!

We feel like the Lord is turning a page in our family.  Personally and on a personal level - I feel very much like he is teaching me about how to walk in "sonship".  (or daughter -ship).  I am on a journey for sure with that, one that if brave enough - I will share a little about!
As a family, we feel as though he is moving us from the journey of adoption into a place where we are now walking out daily what it looks like to be adopted.  We are watching, waiting and working out how the Lord will continue to re-deem the broken hearts of our children and honestly, ourselves.  Adoption parenting isn't easy ... and all too often not talked about.  Then again, our own redemptions and struggles aren't either.  I hope to share a bit about that along the way.

I hope that this blog can continue to document those things that the Lord is working out in our family as well as allow friends and family to follow us as we continue to follow his lead - wherever that might take us.  We know for certain, this will be a place to share about our 278 beautiful children of Warancha CarePoint in Awassa, Ethiopia and our journey to love them - community on community.  We also want to continue to promote and advocate adoptions, sponsorships and the mandate to GO and visit the orphan.

Lastly, what's life without the chaos of our 4 beautiful children?  That alone is a story to tell!

So, I hope you will continue to follow our journey and walk with us into the places He leads.  I hope too, that you will leave me comments along the way and let me know if you identify with anything he is teaching me.

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