Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Treasured Day

As a Mom to a beautiful almond eyed Chinese princess, I have always dreamt of what I would say if I ever had the chance to meet Maliah.  I pray often that the Lord is telling her how beautiful and lovely she is ... And how courageous she is  for choosing life.  I dream of what she may look like and find myself staring into Maliah's eyes or her pouty heart shaped lips and wonder if they are traits of her Mom or perhaps, she looks like her Dad.  I will probably never know and yet... I still dream.

 But today, the Lord gave me those moments I have dreamt of for her - with Zebene's birth mom.  This day was a treasure  I will always hold dear.  Every moment is etched into my mind forever. I have embraced and held the woman who gave my son life.  I sat next to her and told her that I honored her and that she was and is courageous.  I listened as she expressed her love for her son and felt a little of the pain and great sacrifice she was making for him.  I gained a greater understanding of her desires for him ... Even through a small morsel of words to describe it.  I saw the way she looked at him - adoringly- I saw her smile, kiss and embrace him.  I have treasures to share with him as he grows of a few memories of his years with her.  I now know that his smile - is hers.  I now know that his gentle voice - she shares.  I now know that he was a quiet and shy baby ... And that she dreams he will one day return.  I now know that she told him over and over " do not forget me" and he told her " I will not forget you" before and as she made the hardest decision of her life - to release him to the care of an orphanage.  I now know that she likes his room, knows who his brother and sisters are, knows who is loving her son ... And was " happy he had a good family" and has photos of them all ... And her son ... to keep close.

 I left with his birth Mother a long letter... Translated into Amharic for her.  All the things I dreamed of sharing with Maliah's birth mother, I shared with Zebene's Mother today in both the physical sharing and through a letter for her to always keep.  I didn't share for just today    ... But every day she reads them ... "You are fearfully and wonderfully made.  Jesus adores you and loves you.  We love you for giving us the honor of being your hands and heart to a son you and I both love ... I will never replace you ... But am only honored and humbled to share Jesus's love and yours with our together son.   You hold great esteem in our home and our hearts."  Much more was in the pages of the letter ... But those things ... And the truth of the beauty she holds in Christ's eyes were the most important things I hope she receives.   Thank you Jesus for the privilege to share that truth with her today.  To say you did more than I could ever ask or imagine is an understatement.

 The day was emotional.  I cried trying to share - but lost it as she walked away.  Waving goodbye, holding our son on my hips was far too much  for me to process - still my heart tries to absorb it's reality.   Simply the thought brings me to tears. I don't believe I know how to love so selfless and courageous as she has.

 Half way around the world, there will always be a piece of our family and our hearts ... Thank you Mimi for allowing us this day!  It was and always be our Treasured Day!


Cindy Foote said...

You've shared the moment with us beautifully. I've always longed for that day with all our girls. Billy had the chance, but I didn't. I've always felt sad at the thought of missing the chance with all 3 girls. So happy it was a good meeting, that Zeb's mother was responsive in a positive way, that you could see her love visibly. So priceless! Thanks for sharing!

Autumn said...

Wow. What a truly precious gift. I too hope that I will get to meet my little guy's birth mom and can share those same thoughts and words with her. What a treasure you will be able to share with Zebene about his mom. What a beautiful story you can tell him over and over again. Praying for you and your sweet little boy - that this would be as smooth a transition as it can be and a beautiful, treasured time. So thrilled for you guys as you begin this new journey!

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