Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A little Romance ...

Have you ever read "Captivating" by Staci Eldridge?  If you haven't, DO!  Better yet, go put yourself in the Ransom Heart Ministries lottery and pray you get invited to her conference.  It will change your life and it will change your perspective of who Jesus is and who he wants to be in your life.

I'll confess, there were a few chapters in her book that I wrestled with.  I met with a few ladies each week to discuss the book and go through some pretty tough questions and I remember really wrestling with Chapter 7 "Romanced".   During this chapter, Staci brings up a few concepts that I couldn't wrap my mind around when reading it ... namely "God my Lover".  She talks about how in Matt. 9:15, Matt 25:1-10 and John 3:29, Jesus calls himself our Bridegroom.  She then talks about how the word "Bridegroom" means "Fiance. Lover.  Well, needless to say, I almost stopped reading the chapter and had lots of confusion and many questions about her point.
THEN ... I attended her conference where the Lord, who knows my heart, had several things to show me about himself .. namely ... how he "Romances" us.
Indeed, the one concept I struggled with and was in turmoil over was the one concept that spoke loudest to me at the retreat.

Well, all I can say is, you should have seen the rainbow he gave me in the midst of an absolutely perfectly sunny day during my quiet time.  YEP ... he romanced me and sealed the whole deal!

You want to see ... O.K., I'll share!
Go here and read how it happened and the details!  BUT, I won't make you wait ... look what he did!

SO, I set that stage to give you just a little story picture of how simply he can do that ... Romance us!

Last night I met up with a group of fellow adoptive Mom's here in San Antonio.  It had been a LOONG day to say the least.  From school, we had done homework, gone to ballet, straight home, made dinner, parent orientation at school and then to La Madeline to meet the ladies.  By the time I sunk into my seat I was exhausted .. and starving (and already 20 minutes late into the conversations)!

I sat there a moment thinking "I'm not going to eat" (in my mind struggling with spending any extra) but my stomach was screaming at me .. and my friend, Jen who was sitting next to me listening.  So sorry Jen!

I got up and got in line.  I asked the girl for a large bowl of fruit and then waited in line behind a man who commented "fruit .. that's simple enough".  I grinned, little did he know ... I am NOT on a food diet .. but, well, I didn't want to go over 5$ so it worked.

A few seconds later I hear him say to the girl at the register "... and a bow of fruit and drink ".  Then he turned to me and said "would you care anything else"?
A little confused I looked at him and said "excuse me?"
"Anything else, would you like anything else tonight"?
Realizing what was happening I said "oh, you can't pay for my dinner!"
"Sure I can", well actually "I'm expensing it and Time Warner has got you covered tonight .. you a Time Warner Customer?"
Grinning I said "Yes, in fact I am and just today I was on the phone with you guys fixing my internet"
"Oh, please tell me you were satisfied"
"Oh, indeed, I was well taken care of"
"Great, then enjoy your fruit and have a great night" ....

Walking over to get my tea I giggled.  I have NEVER had that happen to me!  NEVER!  A little uncomfortable BUT very blessed!

I sat down and leaned over to my precious friend who, no coincidence was in my Captivating study and on the retreat with me.  I tell her what just transpired and gigging she said

"Jesus just romanced you" ... "You were romanced" (I add that she knows I struggled with this concept)

I laughed!  Indeed, our Lord loves to romance us.  I know it seems silly .. I mean, 5$, what's 5$?  It wasn't the amount ... it was the gesture.  He knows our hearts, our fears, our doubts, our questions.  In the midst of every day, he shows up, even sometimes as a stranger at La Madeline and expenses our meal in the name of "Time Warner" Jesus!

Look for him!  He's there!


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