Friday, June 3, 2011

Can you imagine?

Every day we sit and imagine all the when's and where's and how's of our adoption.  Even my kids do a lot of day dreaming and imagining of the moment they first see Levi's face ... the call ... the trip ... his arrival home.  It's not a journey that just Doug and I are on, but one that together as a family we have jumped into.

When the phone rings ... Canyon will race me to it.  He anxiously looks to see if it is a 703 area code, imagining what they will say on the other end.

Every time the phone rings, Maliah will yell "maybe it's a refewal".

The kids include him in their thoughts, their plans and our nightly prayers.  No, he's not just for the "imagination" he is REAL in their hearts!

Yesterday I got on the yahoo group to see what was going on that day.  It's become (I confess) a confession over the past few weeks ... looking for any sign of MOVEMENT.  I rejoice over court dates and am so excited to see embassy clearances.  I imagine with each child that gets to finally make it home, that their is one more place, one more little spot in the transitional home that could be carved out for my sweet boy.

Oh how I imagine.

So today, as I got on, I noticed one of the families comment that they had not passed court.  I could see from the jist of her post "title"what it was about but for whatever reason I clicked it open to see if their was more ... and there was!

This sweet Momma took a few extra minutes of her precious internet connection time to tell all of us anxiously waiting Momma's that she had been at the transitional home that day and saw 5 "little kids" being loaded up into the van for what appeared to be their medical exam appointments.  She then said "3 toddlers and two infants, I think".


Can you imagine?

What if one of those children were my Levi?

But alas, we don't know WHOSE children they are but with excitement we DO know that they are someone's on this amazing yahoo group of families I have come to love.  Those children are in preparation to begin the process and journey into someone's lives.  Can you even imagine how they feel?

So, I imagine that in the coming weeks a few blessed Momma's will indeed get that long awaited call.  A few anxious families will finally see that 703 area code on their caller ID.  A few long awaited prayers will be answered.

Oh how I can just imagine ...

What IF one of them was me?


Ashley said...

praying your priceless phone call will come SOON!

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