"Someday they will ask, why do you do what you do"? Those are the words that came from our pastor's mouth yesterday during his message. "You can't really know me, unless you know HIM", he said. He went on to explain that unless you know Jesus, you won't really understand or know our pastor. Why? Simple. To understand the way he thinks, reasons and does the things he does then you must know first the one who is in him ... moving him to do those things. Without knowing Jesus, you won't fully understand what motivates our pastors actions and any other believers for that matter. He also said that when asked about his faith, he always first shared the two greatest commandments 1.) Love God 2.) Love Others. If you can share that, then many will ask the how and then you can share about Jesus who is in us, and doing it through us.
He shared that his greatest desire one day was not that his children would say "Wow, my Dad's whole world was us" but rather "My Dad's whole world was HIM ... Jesus and loving him".
When they are little, children will simply follow and do what their parents do. They don't ask, they simply receive and believe. It is when they begin to grow older and into those teen years that they begin to ask for themselves "why do my parents do what they do"?
Leaning over to Doug I said "Why do my parents always talk about orphans and adoption"? Giggling, Doug replied, "Why does my family look like the nations"?
So what does this all have to do with our journey to Levi? Well, several thousand reasons!
You see, we have pondered and thrown out over and over the thought of taking Canyon, our oldest son on one of the trips to Ethiopia with us. He's 10, wise beyond his years, and a pretty easy going kid. It seemed something that we could "handle", taking him on a 16 plus hour flight and into a place with unspeakable poverty but, Dakota, our 8 year old, to be honest ... not so much. She's super wise and super bright but "adaptable" and "easy going" would not be words I'd use to describe her. The thought of taking her half way around the world with us was, well, out of the question ... until yesterday.
As Scott shared I realized that one day my children will ask "Why do you spend so much time bringing awareness to the orphans ... why do you do what you do"? I realized that to truly understand why we do it ... the best place to begin (besides knowing Jesus!!), is to see it and live it! James 1:27 says that "pure religion is to visit the orphan in their distress". He tells us to "visit them" or in Hebrew as it means, "to literally care for their needs".
There is nothing more that I want than my children to grow up serving the Lord, wherever that may lead or go. My perspective for my "Successful" parenting badge has changed so much since they were born. I used this think if my kids went to college, got married, gave me grandchildren and were "successful" in their jobs and life then I could say I had done a good job. Well, that perspective has taken a major shift. I care less about college (though we still give it much value and encourage our kids there), and less about anything this life has to offer. No, now there would be no greater joy and accomplishment as a Mommy then to raise up children who love Jesus so much that they simply ooze Jesus wherever they go ... in whatever they are doing.
So well, frankly, I pray that taking my two oldest kids to Ethiopia will open their eyes to the fatherless and give them HIS heart for the orphan.
And yes, I pray that one day when they are older and they ask "why do they do what they do ... why do we care for the orphans" that they will be able to remember seeing Jesus on the streets of Ethiopia and in the eyes of the fatherless they met. He says to visit them because I believe when we do, we receive his heart for them! Next to loving Jesus, that is my greatest prayer for my kids!
SO .. if I want my kids to grow up living it, I have to give them opportunity to do it, see it and believe it! What better way than giving them the opportunity to be a part of it?
Indeed, we have several thousand reasons (ie .. dollars) to consider. As we save our penny's and fundraise, we're asking the Lord to confirm this journey for them too. Would you help us pray that over?
I'm right there with you on "Successful" parenting. Isn't it truly incredible how far Christ can transform us from our worldly standards and dreams for our children? I want nothing more for my 4 than to follow Christ wherever He might lead them with a passionate love. And I can have peace no matter where God takes them. :)
Another note, I cried thinking about Canyon & Dakota going with ya'll. What a gift for their little hearts! I know that God will use this experience to begin breaking their hearts for what breaks His. We are bringing Jaxon and Chloe to go get Isaiah and Ruth. We want them to understand and see what we are bringing them out of. And more than anything, we want to come home as a family!
Oh Cristie - how amazing!!!
And we're praying for the funds to bring our FOUR bio kids to ET to pick up T & B. A life-changing experience for sure! I will be following to see what kind of feedback you get about travelling with multiple kids - we'll have SIX on the journey home... Some days even I think we're nuts, but I can't imagine ever living the boring "normal" life ever again. God's plans are amazing (and we totally agree about the "success" thing - redefined by God.)
LOVED your post! Thanks so much!
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