Dear Donors and Sponsors,
Welcome to this edition of our quarterly newsletter!
I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to those of you who are graciously supporting the desperate children and needy community through Children’s HopeChest Ethiopia. Your contribution would enable us to provide opportunities to further develop survive, thrive and succeed programs. The organization has been providing basic necessities to all the registered children and making positive influences. Children’s HopeChest Ethiopia is also involved and committed to supporting youths through our Youth Development Program (YDP). The new model project, YDP focuses on young girls and boys to continue their high school and college education. Through YDP, the number of young girls receiving support has increased from 4 to 9 girls; an additional young boy’s home has been established and 7 boys have been enrolled in the program. Those in the program are housed in a gender-specific group home for girls and boys. Each home has a home supervisor acting as a big sister and a big brother consecutively for the girls and boys. This project holistically addresses the desperate needs of abandoned youths and has the potential to expand it’s ministry in different parts of the country.
Children’s HopeChest Ethiopia is partnered with 23 local churches and local NGOs, and supports more than 3,000 children through partner CarePoints. CHC office has been supporting leaders and staff at different partner CarePoints in all courses of action. Capital project implementation has been benefiting sponsored children, their families and the whole community located around our partner CarePoints through construction of schools, wells, health clinics and other infrastructures.
One of the devastating effects of poverty is illness. CHC strives to support those children suffering with various curable diseases. With the support of our donors and sponsors, plans and medical funds are created for this purpose. With that in mind we are also working to construct health clinics in different places to protect the children from life threatening diseases and provide primary and preventative healthcare.
I would like to thank you all for your generous support and the continuous impact you’re making on numerous desperate children and their families.
Wishing you all a Happy New Year!
Mr. Tesfatsion Tsegaye
![]() | DISCIPLESHIP PROGRAM | ![]() |
This quarter’s discipleship lesson theme was “Jesus Blesses Children.’’
In this quarter, we have been discussing children, as those who are blessed by Jesus.
One day, Jesus was teaching people early in the morning. As he finished his lesson, he went to a disciple’s house to get rest. Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray.
The disciples rebuked the people, but Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.’ And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands upon them. (Matthew 19: 13-15, Mark 10: 12-16; Luke 18: 15-17)
From this lesson, the children understand that Jesus loves and blesses them whenever they believe and live in him. They also learned that they belong to the kingdom of heaven, and that they are not despised in front of God.
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God Bless You All!
![]() | SPECIAL UPDATE | ![]() |
For the school year the children received exercise books, pens and pencils, textbooks, school uniforms, school bags, and personal hygiene materials.
During this quarter many activities were carried out at Warancha Hiwote Birhan CarePoint. Among these activities were:
- Supporting children with no family by providing clothing that were sent from donors
- Distribution of educational supplies
- Bible class is taught every day as a subject matter and children who are attending enjoy the class
- Witnessing the word of God for children’s families by the social worker as a result of this, five parents confessed and accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior
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My name is Ayelech Atote Jofie (ET3004053). I would like to forward my gratitude to my sponsor family for their commitment to share their life with me. I have been benefiting a lot from the sponsorship program at Warancha. I have been getting supplementary food, school supplies, a school uniform, clothing, and my school fees are paid for, and an opportunity to learn spiritual lessons about Jesus. My life is changing and I can see a bright future. Once again, thank you so much for what you have been doing for me and your prayers too.
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I wish you a Happy New Year.
First of all, I would like to extend my appreciation to our beloved sponsors and donors, connect community leaders and Children’s HopeChest for your unreserved commitment to serve these children. Even though we struggled a bit with limited amount of money coming to us due to low sponsorship, we have been able to serve the children in various ways. Out of 201 registered children, over half of them are not yet sponsored. As a result, the church elders as well as CarePoint staff members are getting a number of requests from unsponsored children families. Moreover, we were struggling to serve the children with limited money as per our plan. Currently, we have been seeing a good progress on the sponsorship rate and the revenue that our CarePoint is receiving from our sponsor donor community has increased.
On the other hand, the teaching and learning process is in good shape. I can’t explain how many children are able to attend at our school these days those otherwise don’t have any other options that staying at their home. Their families’ have understood that education is key to the future of their children. I hope these children will be able to join university some times in the future and will support themselves their by contributing their part in building their country.
I believe that God will change our challenges to blessings for his glory and the benefit of the children. The church and CarePoint staff members are always praying that God will bless and protect our sponsors and donors.
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Sincerely yours,
Mr. Philipose Yosef
CarePoint Committee Chairperson
![]() | PRAYER REQUESTS | ![]() |
- Pray for our children’s health condition this time of the year, as malaria is a danger
- Pray for the CarePoint leaders
- Pray for the school teachers and CarePoint workers
- We praise God for giving this opportunity of getting sponsor for our children
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